Thursday, July 30, 2015

pdfToolBox 8

pdfToolBox 是一件检测pdf 挡案赖以成名的工具。

经过多年来的蜕变, pdfToolBox 8 已变成为更面向用户,人性化多些的 pdf 检测工具。不再是針对程式员使用, 而是面向印前大众化的一项标准新工具。

PdfToolBox Adobe Acrobat 有很密切渊源,故一直与Acrobat 同行, 而功能上也跟得十分的紧贴,只要Acrobat能显示出来, pdfToolBox便能定下检测设定, 务求任何一项功能都能依照定义来定制。

自从Acrobat 开始支援 ICC Profile, 处理颜色转换变得方便多了。但pdfToolBox 亦提供一个方便, 让用户可以在干话的时候自行选择, CMYK=>GragscaleCMYK=>sRGB。不浪费时间。 可作多数型颜色转换, :
CMYK-> Coated GRAcol 2006
CMYK,保留专色->Coated GRAcol 2006
CMYK-> ISO Coated V2
CMYK,保留专色 -> ISO Coated V2
CMYK-> grayscale

 可以把pdf文件分成不同层次 (layer) 显示,亦可把文字图形透明层用不同层次来代替。

新版本可兼容 Acrobat 7  支援PDF/A, PDF/VT, PDF/X多种不同格式。

新版本能简化和分析超大型文件, 而佔用內存也減少了。
用户介面以图像化为主, 不看文字解释亦明潦意思。
能修改挡案内的文字, 字体及字号, 亦可以更换页码, 填入条码、二维码信息

pdfToolBox的另一大优点是能自动纠正pdf错误,自动化省却了少时间。而且检查表列项是可以自行挑选。提高效率。可支援Tiff转换为pdf挡案。今天的数码印刷, 对墨水使用量特别关注。V8可以能预检墨量, 查证是否会否超标才开始印刷。

说到检测, 有什庅功能比这个可以支援两个文件作比较会更好, 这个比较能目示不一致的地方,这种检测方法, 能增加速度和信心。

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

金豪 SmartProof 作業功能示範

金豪 SmartProof 作業功能示範


Compose SmartProof (以下簡稱SP) - SP是一在線的智慧型管及校對系統本產品以JAVA 編程能跨平台線上作業預覽檢查標註版本內容及色彩比較。 為印刷製作過程提供了一個非常可靠及跨地區的作業管理平台

金豪 SmartProof 检测系统特性:
可選擇不同格式作比較 (PDFTIFFJPEG)


本影片主要介紹 SP 針對作業管理內,頁面內容比較,墨量提示功能。

本影片主要介紹 SP 如何可以用不同格式付比較,如用PDF  1BIT TIFF 的作業內容.

本影片主要介紹 SP 針對作業內頁面內容比較功能 P 小頁內容與拼大版作業內容作比較.

本影片主要介紹 SP IMPOPROOF 模擬書的功能將已拼大版的PDF  1BIT TIFF 構成一本掀頁式電子書



金豪电话是+852 28114228,

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

金豪 SmartProof 检测流程

金豪 SmartProof 检测流程









金豪 SmartProof 检测系统特性:
- 準確提示字體、線條、顏色等出現誤差的地方
- 可選擇不同格式作比較 (PDFTIFFJPEG)
- 可選擇不同版本作比較
- 可選擇單頁與拼好的大版作比較
- 可按不同紙張的要求檢測墨量會否出現問題
- 可作印前檢查找出擋內的基本問題
- 可同時讓多人在線協作
- 採用最新的SSL技術保證數據安全
- 可自動製成電子書方便客戶檢查
- 高自動化運作減省人手但提高工作效率

屏幕上交互式交谈, 增加准確性

电子书显示, 方便交对

Monday, June 8, 2015

ImpoProof and Veripak

ImpoProof is an automation tool for commercial print production professionals who require to QA check, print ready imposed documents against their original page components

ImpoProof verifies there is no discrepancy in the imposition process and that the correct original pages have been used in the imposition.

ImpoProof utilises unique Adaptive Vector algorithms to detect component pages, their orientation and position in the imposed flat-plan and proceeds to check their content in the imposed layout.

On verification, the system will automatically send the imposed page file for output to the designated output device whether it be local or some remote location.

With the embedded client/server technology, all comparisons are performed at the server and results become available to all clients, immediately or on next login.

This level of automation and detection is unique in the industry and considerably enhances and accelerates the QA and approval cycle resulting in reduction of cost, time and materials – catch mistakes before committing to plate!

Highlighted area is the difference with the original

VeriPak is a web based inspection solution for the packaging and labeling industry and is designed to automate the verification process.

VeriPak augments and replaces some of the visual inspection methods requiring deep levels of concentration by QA professionals. The QA cycle and process time is considerably reduced with associated cost savings in time and materials.

With it’s unique Adaptive Vector technology, VeriPak is able to automatically detect and check content from dissimilar file formats and position independent content. It caters for instances where there are multiple sources to be compared with a single target.

As VeriPak is client/server based, it provides the auto comparison function across a network which can be local (intranet) or anywhere on the web (internet). With comparison functions being done on a networked server, it provides flexibility in working methods and practices.

VeriPak also incorporates an automated approval system. System checked files with no differences can be automatically approved and sent to their final destination.

Advanced Options

Annotation tools with a structured cycle of new, with comments, approved and closed give an accurate and secure record of the approval process across multiple versions.

C-sync technology allows designer/production/QA to work remotely across the web in real-time. All connected individuals contribute to the process using white-boarding and many other tools to control display visuals.

A PDF pre-flight option allows potential print production problems to be isolated and rectified at source.

Output to cff2 and other vector formats for die-cutting systems


• Automated web based inspection and approval system
• Reduced QA approval time
• Cost savings in time and materials
• Better contact for all individuals involved in the QA cycle
• Customer satisfaction
• System expansion options

Monday, June 1, 2015



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Compose Products Intro.

Compose set up this blog, intends to bring our technical and sales teams to share our product knowledge to users.  We believe this will be the best way to highlight some of the key features, and listen to users in want they really want us to do.

This Blog will be prepared in multi languages, hopefully will reach more people and generate more interest. 

Please do not hesitate to get back to us with your suggestions; we hope to do the best to keep you updated on our product information in the future.